Hi friends
Well I think I saw too many holiday was good for study, but I see much neglected blog and well now I have more time and I start to publish many good things I have.
Well I started this for them about the ultrasonic circuit I made for a college course, good build and I take time but it did not have the necessary tools, but good in the end I came out so much effort.
The circuit is easy, take it out on a circuit that served something bigger for other things, well the circuit was made and it works fine as follows:

Note: The server is 4Shared, so here to download the document have to wait a few seconds, it then appears a box in the center of the page and then give click where it says Download file .
Well this circuit has two parties and are the receiver and transmitter which are calibrated to 46Khz this is achieved with the 10K potentiometer which will be to regulate the frequency which we may say that if plaque builds are recommended:
1. The components are as close as possible
2. Make a good ground, this means that the lands have more bakelite. Well
other aspect is that the capsules are these:

The pairs are the Tx and Rx good in my beloved Peru are are S / 20.00 soles nose as exist in other countries, but the recommendation is good are the separation of two capsules is crucial because if they will see evidence when separated from each other The uptake is different. Well
beware because the protective Mallika are somewhat weak and good to me I broke a dish.
alcanse distance is 1.5 meters high but can be calibrated to a maximum 10 meters gets good this will do by adding one more stage to the circuit, but good for practical purposes and more for robotic 1.5 m is sufficient. Good friend
here gave them a brief explanation of this project that I take some time, and well here it is. Soon
publishes a circuit " SPEED CONTROL OF A DC MOTOR " WITH LCD, Jan ste circuit ples may see ups and downs in the LCD which gives the engine, for this I am using a PIC16F84A, also I have them there in the 16F877A, but as Confucianism would say "Do not try to kill a mosquito with a basuca."
I forgot, now check my 4shared account and I noticed with surprise that I deleted all the files I had, so some links which went up files do not work, but others if solucinare files up again and links in the next few days, a thousand apologies.