09.13.1909 Demolition of buildings that were Cites martyrs. Sebastian Cabello Pino, Architect, we sent yesterday, 09/12/2009, by e-mail note, with your permission, we reproduce texture below
architect who studied in 2000 and building facilities of CITES, and all this was that I thought fit to propose their classification in the registry of DOCOMOMO (Registration for the Documentation and Conservation of the Modern Movement). Was also included with the factory complex of Hitemasa, former Intelhorce. We all feel so proud to enjoy this building in Manchester and we thought that this building protection guarantee. This has not happened and these days, and yet, the City of Manchester has been granted the demolition permit last August. In short, we are all feeling this demolition and those who have worked for many years there, much more. My reasons, though very different, I wanted to break through the wall to put my bit to help. The College of Architects also wanted to protect but we arrived on time, but especially because there has been interest in their primary responsibility the Town Hall.
My letter is not to give names of the photos adjuntáis but I reached this your way, so I send this note to whom it may concern.
My greetings.
Sebastian del Pino.
In today's edition appears in south Manchester, the other is not an article which refers to the demolition. I convey my greetings and sincere regret. SUR The newspaper article mentioned yesterday and that the architect, Mr. del Pino, in your mail, can be viewed at the following link: Demolition
Cites. Journal article South. September 12. 2009 And the video that is referenced in the article and displayed pictures of the beginning of the demolition can be seen from the following link: Image
beginning demolition has also sent Sebastian del Pino article and photos that reproduce below:
CITES listed industrial building for equipment
cultural, social and sports for the district of Martyrs "
Sebastian Cabello Pino, Architect Do.Co.Mo.Mo registry coordinator in the province of Malaga and Jesus Antonio Guzman
Santana, art historian associated with the University of Malaga. Almost
Malaga all know the old factory Martiricos phones, either because they have seen when they have purchased on the trail of the city, because they have attended a game or concert at the stadium in the Rose Garden or simply their arrival in Malaga the northern access. It is also safe to be made use of the terminals were built there, more than one saved in his house with affection, others like the gems that are known today as vintage. But probably few know that CITES (International Telecommunication Company and Electronics SA), name of the factory that was, is listed in the register of deeds of Iberian Do.Co.Mo.Mo (Documentation and Conservation of the Modern Movement in Spain and Portugal), section "Architecture of the industry," as one of the two most important near Malaga Guadalhorce Textile Industries, Intelhorce (later Hitemasa, Yarns and Fabrics Málaga SA) in Bells Road.
Rafael García de Castro Peña, author Villaverde (Madrid) Headquarters Standard Electrical Factory (1962), a subsidiary of CITES, "also included in the registration Do.Co.Mo.Mo. for its architectural qualities, "is the architect who designed the Malaga building, erected between 1962 and 1963. This is a longitudinal nave, arranged from south to north, single height at which side has a mezzanine floor and a body on two levels where the offices were located. The property is resolved with a balanced architectural solution within the residential urban environment was generated in the post-industrial Manchester. The structure was solved by empresillados composite pillars and trusses of constant section allowing an open space for work in series. The envelope includes a toothed paneling interesting precast reinforced concrete, as a base, on which there is a lintel of other precast concrete, square, which is crowned with broad stripes of brick and subsequent visto de colores alternados (rosa y amarillo) que llegan hasta el remate de cubierta, realizado en chapa metálica y que actúa a modo de alero. Ante una intervención simple y acotada, el edificio aporta unos valores compositivos que derivan del empleo de materiales constructivos poco frecuentes en el contexto malagueño, con el resultado claro de unos valores estéticos inusuales para el uso industrial al que se destinó.
En el nuevo Plan General de Ordenación Urbanística (PGOU) de Málaga, que fue aprobado de manera provisional en agosto de 2008, el edificio de Citesa es derribado a pesar de estar catalogado, y el Ayuntamiento dibuja un nuevo sky line para la ciudad, ya que se ha planificado construir torres de una altura more than one hundred meters in three areas of the city: The Heat, San Rafael and Martiricos, the Councillor for Planning and Sustainable Development, Guirado Manuel Diaz emphasized that this plan will allow Manchester to become a great metropolis. None of these three places has been without controversy. The most prominent difficulty has been the restriction of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation to the height of some of these buildings, in particular to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Thermal and San Rafael. However, in Martiricos neighborhood have been demands that put obstacles to the project, which was finally resolved in June 2008 moving the towers, which was originally available in the plot CITES, the trail on Sunday. The change also meant also the elimination of one and the extension in height of the remaining two, which would have 30 floors each, thus freeing land to be allocated to green areas for pedestrians, as well constructed an office building and shops in the northern part of the plot, facing the football field (see http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=481778).
The plot resulting from the demolition of CITES will be set aside to accommodate 202 housing units that would arise in the south of it (Calle Toledo) in a single block of eight plants, while the rest would be available as an urban park of 20,000 square meters surrounded by buildings in an "L" that would be used for sporting, social or cultural.
Today, the promoter, licensed since early August, has begun the demolition of facilities Cites "to leave the plot completely free of any building" even though the works did not commence until resolution of the new General Plan, still pending approval by the Junta de Andalucía, due to contradictions with the Spatial Plan of the Greater Manchester Urban (Potaum).
towers, twin, have been designed by the prestigious team Pei Cobb Freed & Partners, who between 1989 and 1993 in two phases, reorganized the Grand Louvre in Paris with the construction of his pyramid, and the study Dorronsoro Architects Malaga, sons of the late Jose Luis Dorronsoro Fernandez, who along with Eduardo Caballero Monrós erected Málaga Tax Office (1975-1979) on Avenida de Andalucía.
Undoubtedly these skyscrapers will become one of the architectural landmarks of our city, which has only symbolic buildings, and we hope so. But we must also break a lance in favor of the main nave of CITES because of its architectural quality and the near absence of added over the years (except for the northern expansion of 1970 and 'bite' by bulldozers and can detach easily from the original building) has been included on the list of Do.Co.Mo.Mo. , found it difficult to believe that does not have any protection by the Board as a member of its board it is the Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico (IAPH), a fact completely incomprehensible and inconsistent.
The complete design and clearness of this property makes it possible to perfect its conversion into a container of equipment necessary cultural, social or sporting Martiricos neighborhood, keeping the memory of a factory major post-industrial period Malaga and replacing the new buildings in the shape of "L" are intended to surround the green. The only change that should be available would be to move the housing units to the northern part of the site, notwithstanding the large urban park that has been designed. Just need a bit of interest by the City in the first instance and other related administrations, such as the Ministry of Culture.
Malaga is, among many other English cities, a candidate for European Capital of Culture in 2016 and we can not allow to happen with CITES as well as with the industrial heritage the city, of which there are few witnesses, and the Silo or the Factory Port of San Patricio Electric (The Heat), which only now we have a fireplace, and luckily, they could have made buildings multiple uses. Unfortunately it seems that Manchester's architectural heritage is considered only if it is built before the twentieth century, but we can not continue to think so. Both artistic value has a Romanesque cathedral and a museum deconstructive. We can not expect to become Europe's cultural reference if only we consider important to the Cathedral and the paintings of Pablo Ruiz Picasso, whom no one takes their worth. We expect
Cites consider our proposal and does not become just another of the featured properties and cataloged in our city have fallen under the ax, because otherwise we will just be the blog that "citesianos (factory workers) are building with great admiration in the network (http://citesa.blogspot.com/), while they see with sadness that his factory is about to be demolished. Sebastian sends us these photos with the "MORE DETAILS ARCHITECTURAL"
From these lines want to thank Sebastian del Pino and the College of Architects the interest and effort in trying to preserve this building for many locals and not from Malaga who have worked on CITES, in addition to the architectural value and what he represented to the existence of Málaga the industry together with a few others, add the sentimental value of the many experiences and past experiences under one roof.