Wednesday, March 19, 2008

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HOOPS KINGS is an American online store, the most complete I've visited. In it you can buy all sorts of materials, from slate, rubber bands, glasses, various training materials, books and DVDs.

Between what struck me most is this kind of prosthesis for the fingers that supposedly serves the learning and development the mechanics of the shot, to get the players do not support the ball over the entire palm of the hand and another on the right points of the fingers. The product price is $ 10.99, that the change is more than 7 €.

These are some special shoes with extra cushioning spring base used to make vertical jump and run faster. The price of this gadget is not very good if you get the expected results of $ 129.95, about 83 €.

But certainly what I liked most was the large catalog of books and DVDs offensive and defensive strategies, exercises, or more specific aspects or roles of the game.

This is the link:


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