I will not argue whether or not Xavi Pascual is the best coach for the AXA Barcelona at this time, nor will I doubt at all of its technical quality, quite the opposite. After
the shining out of Dusko Ivanovic's club, the board is committed to a man gives the house (sounds weird does not it?). The sad thing in my opinion is that this coach has to develop its work in the most complicated part of the season, with no margin for error, without time to adapt and virtually no chance of making the template.
across a campus is already done, although I imagine that the election of the new signings had something to do at the time he and assistant coach, will not be their first choice. a coach at the time of naming already puts expiration date and that after the first victory margin is given to work until end of season and that's the worst ...
finish the debate on the coach to the league final, is named as interim Xavi Pascual. As interim bone is sent a message to the template "do what you can to the next year will be more competitive" (acting is equal to that instability and unfortunately I understand). But is that what you are saying above is that by not having him next year, to bring a superstar of the bench (that's the idea) players despise the current coach. Existing contract players who fail to passivity and do not care and the remainder of the season because next year starting from scratch with a new coach, so the year machaco me next, this, put the saucepan.
What we do with Xavi Pascual next year? Or back to his usual place, which this year will not have been the step waiting for years and that takes much preparation (to be head coach), or give long as we did with Joan Montes (for one or for another reason but out of the club). In either case it is not expected by Xavi Pascual when he accepted, and you know why ...
From my humble point of view, because he was handed a hot potato (none of these swords would come first in this situation, and some are out of work as Pini Gherson) and above it set expiration date.
Valiente was not daring to give Real Madrid the lead of its basketball section prepared a coach who also relied on the first day of their appointment. Result: one of the teams that have stability (not to get into if you play well or not.)
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